ICT Infrastructure

ICT Infrastructure
Sr.No. Description Number Remark
1 Student computer ratio 15.63
2 No of computers in Principal Room. 01
3 No of computers in Staff room 01
4 No of computers for Office staff 02
5 No of computers for Chemistry lab 01
6 No of computers for Physics lab 01
7 No of computers for Biology lab 01
8 No of Computers in Examination Room 01
9 No of Computers in Library 01
10 No of Computers in Conference Room 01
11 No of Computers in Primary Resource Room 01
12 Speed of broadband connection in the KV 60 to 150 mbps
13 No Of LCD Projector 45
14 No of TV & Plasma TV 04
15 No of interactive Board 10
16 No of Visualiser 13
17 No of Magic Box 03